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How to brew the perfect coffee

How to brew the perfect coffee

There are loads of different ways to make a cup of coffee and we like practically all of them. Here are some hints and tips for our favourites.

The amazing lab results that we shout about were brewed using the below cafetiere method, but you can’t go wrong with any of these. We recommend using a steel filter version of each, check out our other blog on paper filters to find out why steel ones are better for both you and the environment. 


Ah the timeless cafetiere, a.k.a. French Press. The godfather of home brewing. Stylishly designed in the 1950's, it's a fave in Exhale HQ for it's simplicity... and the fact you can get a 1L version and brew for 4 people at once!

We did our antioxidant lab testing in a cafetiere so if you want 55 oranges worth of antioxidants in your coffee this way guarantees it!

We love it because it's super simple to use and produces a brew with plenty of body and 'mouthfeel' as the pro's call it.

Bodum Cafetiere

When brewing with a cafetiere, as general rule of thumb we use a ratio of 60g of medium ground coffee to 1L of water.


  1. For 1 cup add 15-17g of medium ground coffee to a small cafetiere
  2. Fill with hot water 30 seconds off the boil
  3. Stir after 30 seconds
  4. Plunge after a total of 5 minutes (or you can sneak in an extra 30-60 seconds for a stronger brew) - Simple!!

 Buy here



The AeroPress is a revolutionary new way to make perfect coffee in just 1 minute! And it's super simple to use.

It's a favourite for us because you can make perfect coffee at home or away - it's virtually indestructible so you can chuck it in your backpack or suitcase.

Bundle it with a steel filter so it's better for you and better for the planet! Read why in our blog "It's time to ditch the paper filters".

Because it uses a combination of pressure and steeping, the flavour has some of the intensity of an espresso but gives you a larger cup. 

AeroPress - Exhale Coffee


  1. Add 17g medium ground coffee to an inverted (upside down) AeroPress
  2. Fill to within 1cm of the top with hot water 1 or 2 minutes off the boil
  3. Stir gently for 10 seconds
  4. Leave to steep for 30 seconds (or 60 for a stronger brew)
  5. Put the lid on with a steel filter in it, screw tight
  6. Turn around and quickly put on top of a cup
  7. Plunge slowly over about 20 seconds

All you have to remember is 10 seconds stir, 30 seconds steep, 20 seconds plunge. Once you've done it a few times it becomes second nature. 

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The crew at Zero Waste Club have created a reusable steel coffee filter that not only makes a deliciously smooth brew, but is better for the environment too.

For us, using a steel filter over paper is key as it lets in more of those healthy coffee compounds. And it’s a total win-win for the planet too, as it means no more wasting paper filters.

They're super easy to clean and dishwasher safe.

Zero Waste Steel Dripper

The steel dripper is a coffee geek's dream! There are an infinite number of variables you can play with giving you the ultimate control over your brew. Trial and error is part of the fun, but here's how we roll:

Method version 1: 

  1. Sit your dripper on top of a mug
  2. Sit both on top of some digital scales (go on, embrace the geekery, it's fun!)
  3. Add 21g organic, medium ground coffee
  4. Pour in 50g of hot water 30s off the boil
  5. Leave for 30s to 'bloom', a.k.a. release some gasses
  6. Sniff the bloom and say 'ahhhhhhhh'
  7. Slowly pour in 300ml more hot water in conical circles over the grounds, being sure to wet all the grounds. A gooseneck kettle help with this. It should take another 2 to 2.5 minutes to slowly pour all 300ml. 
  8. Total brew time = 2.5 to 3 minutes, enjoy!

Version 2

You can also just sit it on a cup, throw in 2tbsp of ground coffee and pour through enough water through to fill a mug. So it can be as simple or as complex a process as you want!

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Central to brewing the perfect coffee is grinding the perfect coffee! 

Coffee is at it's healthiest and tastiest when it's been freshly ground. Some of it's healthiest compounds degrade at a rate of 20% every 6 weeks. And real coffee afficionados would say the taste starts to deteriorate after a matter of minutes.

Here are 2 options for grinders we offer. Both have conical burrs for optimal grind consistency. The only difference is one gives you a mini-workout and the other is electric!



Timemore Hand Grinder

Is it a hand grinder or is it a modern work of art? Let’s go for both. This sleek, gunmetal grey grinder comes with 36 grind settings for an optimal grind, however you brew.

Instead of blades (which can tear your beans to shreds) it uses conical burrs for a more consistent grind size; helping you extract even more of those healthy coffee compounds!

We love it because it's the fastest, most hardy hand grinder we've ever used! It takes just 20-30 seconds to grind enough for 1 cup. You haven't tasted coffee until you've tried it freshly ground.

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Wilfa Electric Grinder

The Nordic styled, Wilfa Svart Coffee Grinder is the one of the best home grinders on the market. 

It uses conical burrs which give much more consistent grind sizes meaning a more even extraction of both the flavour and healthy compounds in coffee.

After a year on the hunt for the perfect home grinder we think we've nailed it with these. They're the best at this price point to do both the flavour and health benefits of our coffee justice. Win win!

Buy here



    Jeanette Garry

    Jeanette Garry

    Hi I do like a coffee but my question is what is the difference between decaffeinated and regular coffee, are chemicals used to make your decaffeinated coffee, I usually buy decaffeinated, but I’m not sure what blend or type to buy from you, advice needed before I place my order, many thanks Jeanette



    Hi all, Exhale co-founder here and author of our blogs. Firstly, sorry to anyone who has left a comment on here asking about the Moka pot! I have since written a fully updated, and waaay more in-depth guide to brewing healthier coffee and it’s included in there.


    Irritatingly we use Shopify (as do most other online brands) and there is no function where I can reply individually to these comments so I’m sorry for the tardy response, it seems I have to reply as if I’m a website visitor myself.

    Hope the new article helps!


    Jonty Wilde

    Jonty Wilde

    How about Moka Pot brewing – I notice no answers to this question. Is this because currently you don’t sell one and therefore cannot monetise it. It is one of the most popular and effective way of making strong coffee in my experience. Love what you’re doing and will buy a French Press on my taster pack.

    Jonathan Wendt

    Jonathan Wendt

    This mentions using a medium ground coffee for the AeroPress Clear – but I read on the website elsewhere that a fine ground coffee works even better. So my question would be about whether the timings, weight or anything changes using fine ground? As that’s what I ordered.

    Liz Chatfield

    Liz Chatfield

    Hi, thanks so much, just received my trial bag – was going to use a moka, can you advise on quantities please for a small single moka or just fill it? Many thanks, Liz

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